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New M&J Chair

New M&J Chair

Suzanne Morton3 Sep 2019 - 19:25
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Manchester Rugby Club is delighted to welcome Natalie Hall as the new Chair of Mini & Junior Rugby!

Natalie was unanimously voted in as Chair of Mini & Junior Rugby at Manchester Rugby Club. Nat is an ex-MRC player having played for Manchester Ladies Rugby for many years. MRC is also in her blood as her whole family have played or play for the Club. Nat brings great positivity and energy to the role and firmly belives in the Club philosophies of "Let Them Play" and "Contactus Defectio Est" which are the long term mantras that the we hand down through the ages.

It is also a great step forward for our club to appoint a lady in this position and shows that Manchester Rugby Club's continued commitment and long support of Ladies' and Girls' rugby at the Club. Outgoing M&J Chair (and current MRC Chair), Tim Holmes, has said "I look forward to working with Nat in the coming months and transitioning the M&J section over. On behalf of all members of the Club, we all wish Nat good luck in the role; and we are sure she will do a great job."

On being appointed to the role Nat would like to add that she "is looking to continue in her current role as a coach for the 2019/20 season U10s; along with supporting the continued growth of the mini and junior section of Manchester Rugby. I would like to add that I am delighted to take on the role and appreciate the confidence shown in my by members of the M&J section. If anyone wants to join the Club either in a playing or volunteering capacity we look forward to welcoming you in to our family."

Nat can be contacted at

If you wish to volunteer with any section of the Club in any role then get in touch. Any help will be warmly welcomed.

Further reading